Ceremonies in the Netherlands

Twice a year we offer ceremonies in Holland, led by a shaman from the Peruvian Amazon. He is a healer from one of the tribes who have been living in the Amazon rainforest for centuries, the Shipibo indians. Their knowledge about the Sacred Medicine and other medicinal plants is huge and they are always happy to share their knowledge at an educational level.

The Shipibo live, spread out over about 300 villages in the Amazon region in Peru, mainly around the river Ucayali near Pucallpa. They have been using Ayahuasca and other teacher/masterplants for medicinal use for many generations, therefore they have relatively many shamans within their communities.

One of these shamans will be traveling to Holland (see dates here) to lead the ceremonies here and share his knowledge with us. He represents the beautiful power that the “Mother plant” is, the groups he leads are educational, loving, powerful at the same time.
It’s is an honour and a privilege to welcome him here.

The ceremonies are always in the night, the daytime is completely yours. There is time for (self)reflection, processing the ceremony, writing, sleeping, go for a walk, meditate, yoga and/or sharing your experience of ceremony we had the night before.

The shaman will bring typical Shipibo articrafts and everybody gets to visit a mini-market to see and buy the most exquisitely painted and embroidered cloths, inspired on Ayahuasca visions, handmade jewelry and clothing.
All patterns you see in the Shipibo art have special meaning, which in some cases goes back a long time in Shipibo history. The shaman will be happy to explain what the significance is of the different patterns.
The benefits of all those sales will go directly back into his family, in almost all cases the money is used to pay for their children’s schooling.

During your stay you can accomplish and learn a lot. Although we cannot guarantee anything, the final result depends on your own effort and intentions, we have the intention to let everybody go home with more knowledge, passion and loving thoughts than they came with!